Profile PHIM-056: Ingólfr, Crestfallen Admiral

Owned by deathteax

Ingólfr Sveinn.

Crestfallen Admiral




A knight lives to serve. To protect. To sacrifice.

the truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath, I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.


full name. Ingólfr Sveinn
/ˈɪŋ.ɡɔlf svɛn/
— no former name

age. 63 fae years [18-30 adult]
— main story quest he is 90 fae years [30+ adult]

gender. male
— he/him

relationship status. bonded
— sexuality is bi
— strictly mono

alignment. Chaotic Neutral
— "Free Spirit"

origin. abyssal
— lives in Elysium

alliance. Weaver
— however he is reluctant

job. warrior
— has a hobby of leatherworking

Being the primordial son of two of the most prideful and powerful phims, creates seemingly impossible weight on one's shoulders. Ingólfr is expected to be the best of the best and surpass his parents' achievements. He was raised to be a shining sword to be used by The Weaver. To be shown and flaunted to others for his parents' pleasure. He has lots of issues with his parents but he's too nice to say no.


height. Tall stature of 9ft right at the base of his forehead where his fins start to arch out next to his horns and ears down to the pads of his claws.
— His wings take up the span of 9ft as well.
eyes. Diamond shaped yellow voids with the left having runes underneath that are always showing the emotions he hides in their depths.
— As time goes on, his vision worsens without his concent.
face. A more rectangled face than others, his scales fan out to show his draconic inspiration.
— Scales are smooth although his fins are leathery in texture. He has two sets of fangs that spilt out from his snout.
figure. He's built very muscular but more shaped as lean to showcase his flying excellence.
— From a light orange to dark orange to dark blue to light blue with fins of deep red and a tail to match, and vapor spots on his mane, body and claws, he makes an unusal sight.
gait. Every step makes his talons dip in and impacts anything beneath.
— He steps with purpose and confidently as his body sways to match. However has a slight limp in his back left leg.
voice. Low and soothing and deep enough to be growly with a heavy norse accent.
— He huffs so prettily. Lisps on s's when he finishes a word, it prolongs a small bit. Can be heard here: voiceclaim
— Writes with his left claw.
  • RIGHT SIDE has light orange and dark orange with mono orange scales with blue horn
  • LEFT SIDE has light blue and dark blue with mono blue scales with orange horn
  • VAPOR SPOTS are located via mane, body, and legs ( ARE TRANSPARENT @ 85% )
  • Can be draw without his GEAR: SAID GEAR HERE
  • His chest is cracked and deeply scared. Scars are ladened throughout his entire body from his time as a soldier in the war and his rough childhood at home.
816_U3hU4RdF2w.png base by whiskeypawes



void body.


likes: training (hand to hand or weapons), flying, learning anything
dislikes: lectures, not understnadning, being left alone, being the main disappointment

motivations. He tries his hardest to be just like his parents and ever more, just as they always said. He can't aford to disappoint them so he drags himself farther and farther to surpass the task. His friends have taught him that he is allowed to take a step back and just breathe and he tries to remember that here and there.

fears. He is deeply afraid of his parents, especially his mother, and he does not want to make them even more disappointed than they already are with him. He fears what will happen if he is ever seen as too much of a wreck. There's been hints of his daughter following in his clawsteps and being the perfect prodigy his mother wants from him and he's afraid to be outshined by his own blood.

beliefs. He was raised to give everything to the Weaver, just like his parents. From his happiness to his every thought they are to be sent to the very being that created them all. Over time, he slowly breaks away from this because it seems wrong to him. The way his parents go about it hurts him and he wants no part of it but it creeps back into his thoughs and his speech every now and then.

initially. Most would claim he is an asshole because of how nonreactive and stotic he is but that is just because his parents forced him. His face is always closed off and he rarely flinches to anything.
in reality. He does not understand emotions that are not anger, fright, sadness or anything in those categories. He cares deeply for people and if given the smallest hint of sincerity, he'd stay by your side forever. No matter if you care or not.
in their own eyes. He hates how resevered he is and wishes to react more freeily. He wishes he could speak his mind without expecting backlash. He dislikes how his voice prolonges and sometimes lisps. He wishes he was better.
health (33/100)
mana (20/100)
armor (06/15)


panic attacks family abuse/abusive actions overall violence

The bond of Ingvildr and Ståle's is an odd one, everyphim can agree to that. As Ingvildr is an extremely successful General of The Weaver's army, and Ståle being a Master Poisoner, it made sense that their bond would profect excellently. They don't really like each other enough to be called 'love' but their equal success of working together to get what they want for decades is what allows them to scheme together a plan like no other. This plan, is their greatest one yet and they couldn't help themselves with making it happen as soon as possbile. The plan consists of their idea of creating their own image of a soldier to build up from nothing. So, that's exaclty what they did. Their idolization and attraction to this idea was strong enough to bind to their love charm, just as they planned. This love charm is a metaliac and stone charm covered in bird and sword emgravings. When Ingólfr hatched, his small neck was covered in golden thread and upon arriving home (sooner than he should have arrived), Ingvildr clipped the charm there.

Everyday was a test of some sort. Be that talking, walking, or fighting. Ingólfr had no room to play with otherphims or explore the outside. Unless, his parents were called to a celebration for a job well done. Even there, he was held close and watched to not make an emerrsassing sight. He was praised and shown off to others with every day of his hatching returning. He learned many ways to complete tasks. His favorite being the supervised weapon smithing. His least favorite being the diplomatic lessons when food is served.

Living outside his parents hovering watch, Ingólfr learns more of the realm he lives in and those in it. Everyday is still the same routuine over and over but at least he's able to meet and greet others without being pushed to being in the 'main attraction,' like most of his adolescence. He's able to be in the background and be there with comfort and ease. Well, to a degree.


THE WHISPER One day, a calling of sorts messes with his daily schedule and he is sent on a quest to find what it is. He found himself before a creature of red and dark scales and whispers of a lie so sweet it fools him into bitting the golden apple for more knowledge as deep inside him, behind all the anger and his feelings, he sings in finality. The truth must be absolute.

THE MURMUR He watches in mute shock as his body acted before his mind could catch up and jumped into the great abyss. In the deepest parts of his mind, he thinks to himself, 'I thought that was beated out of me so long ago. Mother will not like this.' As he slips through the murky and dark swirling mass.


weapon experience
— hulda, blue + gold shortsword. wears under right wings in silver sheath.
— verdandi, blue + black shortsword. wears under left wings in silver sheath.
rising crest
— joined with the elysium faction
vhariot's scorned winds
User can not only handle swords beyond perfect proficiency but also can manipulate fire to an extreme excent. Delivering precise and calculated slashes that burn on contact at joints or large areas of contact to bring a tagert down quickly. When a target has been slashed or marked by these blades, a burn is the first sign. The next sign is a deep bubbling sensation of pain that is where the area of contact lies and then it extends to the bloodflow. Once the burn reaches the blood, it gathers together in a large spot, spinning rapidly in place before it simply combusts. Usually a taget losses an arm or leg if slashed once or more so by the blades. These blades shimmer with white flames said to be the 'inner fires' of those who've met their fates by them. User has the abality to freely manipulate said flames as well as generate them outside of combat.
skill name.
  • Strengths with Vhariot's Scorned Winds: Hand to hand combat. Multitasking; Fighting while manipulating ability through target's body. Control; able to increase or decrease the abilitites stages.
  • Weakness with Vhariot's Scorned Winds: Attetion Span is split between user and target. Target must not have more than 10 slashes or user would be hasstled with intense body pains.
  • ---
  • ---


family. His mother Ingvildr Skuld, Daywind's Golden Trident, is an extremely successful titled general of Weaver's Army while his father Ståle Sveinn, the Raveflame Swordmaster, is an astonishing weaponsmith that specializes in upgrades. He applies or changes designs of weapons to add hidden ports for poison or custom engravings to make weapons more leathal and attuded to one's magic. Their crest is of silver cloths and deep golden trident crossed with a matching sword as an orange sun rests behind.
friends. The main group of phims that he calls his friends and he's really close to are, Ophelia Yoshidae, Peleia, Soradeatha Nausicaa, Ikaros, Atum. Although he does have a few others that he has befriended or know by association.
Ophelia Yoshidae

You gave me peace in a lifetime of war. "Ophelia is a darling to be around, and she hands me gifts sometimes. I do not truly know why she hands these," He waves a claw, his eyes confused. "objects to me but, I appreciate them nonetheless." He pauses, "We started to really get acquainted at Mother's parties and been good friends ever since. Mother was delighted because she thought I finally could be pair but, was utterly heartbroken when I told her she was spoken for."

Ophelia and him were apart of the same hatchling class even though she was years ahead of Ingólfr in age and the closest of best friends. But, once he had to leave and go home to be raised as a child soldier, he never quite got to see her ever again. That is until, he was tasked to join his mother at one of her high class friends' party and there she was; absolutely beautiful, just as she always claimed she would grow up to be. They slowly got to reunite with one another and soon became even closer than ever. Ingólfr learns of the wonderful relationship she has with Ventalia, another of their hatchling class, and how they are thinking of hatchlings of their own. Ingólfr is blown away by how much time has past that everyphim of his generation are growing up so fast.

Soradeatha Nausicaa

I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief. "They're an interesting one." He admits, "Soradeatha is a loud thinker. However, they do not think before acting, no matter the situation. I do not understand it. They've been this way even as we were hatchlings. Remarkable enough, Mother and Father were pleased to see us grow closer. Although their connection and devotion to The Weaver is so apathetic," he pauses, his face pinched, "I fear Mother may try to pair us up again."

Soradeatha and him were close as hatchlings but not as close as the others, even though everyphim could tell they'd get along splendidly. Now looking back, Ingólfr can say that is was because they saw eye to eye so well they butted heads more than average. With Soradeatha's shy yet open joys and his entergetic musues, -.


What the heckaroni. "Peleia is another odd one." Ingólfr admits, "My parents first disapproved of our acquaintance because of how laid back and slothful he is but, I managed to convince them he's worth being good friends with for now." He shuffles a wing, "He's a decent flyer and his maneuvers in the skies are polished. Father wanted me to get closer to him to learn the techniques and perfect them." His eyes troubled, "I wanted to learn regardless."



You can't burn what's already been scorched. "Ikaros and I hit it off instantly at one of my Mother's connection gatherings. They're weapon designs are elegant and works of art and I am hoping down the line we can collaborate. With my leatherworks and their weapons, we would be the most successful business around." His eyes crinkled in joy. "Their opinion on 'form verses function' is highly impressive."


Atum Serapis

Don't reveal too much. Let them assume. Let them wonder. "Mother approached me and told me of the news that I have been," He paused, "selected to marry one of her favorite lords' sons." His face pinched, "This news bothers me but, at least it is not one of my female friends." His wings flutter a bit. "I hope he is nice and caring." His face and body close off in sadness.


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