Profile PHIM-056: Ingólfr Sveinn, Crestfallen Admiral

Owned by deathteax






the truth is you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath, I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.

Being the primordial son of two of the most prideful and powerful phims, creates seemingly impossible weight on one's shoulders. Ingólfr is expected to be the best of the best and surpass his parents' achievements. He was raised to be a shining sword to be used by The Weaver. To be shown and flaunted to others for his parents' pleasure. He has lots of issues with his parents but he's too nice to say no.

Not only has learned and mastered all sorts of fighting to be useful in the military but, there's languages, history, geography, and etiquette. He's able to converse with most phims, give the proper respect needed and handle a situation all on his own. He mainly speaks in the phimtongue or English with his heavy Old Norse accent.

Even though he has all the achievements and skills, he wishes to open his own business to be a leatherworker. He works on his own gear when they get torn and tattered and it'd be the perfect thing for him. Add in the fact he knows some weapon smithing from his father as well, he's set for business.

Legendary Abyssal 360 Riyal and 25 Talons


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