Claim (#938) Approved

8 September 2024, 23:26:38 EDT (1 week ago)
9 September 2024, 10:32:22 EDT (1 week ago) by dovetales


1644 Words; 1644÷75 =21r
Character Development +1r
Character Arc +1r
Lore +2r
Total: 26r

Character Development: Fuki, although her father does not see it, has grown out of her laziness and has mustered up the courage to fight for Hades. Although her father still scares her, she hopes her next stage of development will be able to stand up to him if they cross paths again.
Character Arc: This is related to the It Roars storyline, taking place after the story written for the final prompts. Previous entries can be found here >
Lore: Mentions the upcoming war against Elysium and Hades. Fuki is a citizen of Hades and will be fighting for its and most of her family is now on her side.

NOTE: I was unsure if Dialogue bonuses could count since Fuki's parents are not on the mastermind, so I did not add them.


Reward Amount
Riyal 25


Thumbnail for PHIM-031: Fuki

PHIM-031: Fuki

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the claimant's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

sharkivore's Bank

Currency Quantity