Charmed | Playground Trading
When you were surrounded by other hatchlings, it was easy to have some things slip between the cracks when it came to properly navigating important experiences. With no parents, the little hatchlings not only got their charms around the same time as those the same age as them, but they had plenty of time to spend with their fellow younglings uninterrupted by adult supervision.
Izar had originally gotten a nice little cloth charm, a rabbit with a heart sew on its belly and orange button eyes that were a bit too large for the head it was sewn onto. He thought it was cute, but he didn't really like it enough to want to keep it. He didn't really understand anything having to do with personality relating to the charms, he just wanted something a bit more... durable.
He saw hatchlings with stone, metal, and wood charms, ones that would stand up much better to the tests of time. He wanted something like that, mostly just to avoid leaving his childhood with a deflated piece of fabric where a cloth charm bunny used to be.
Seeing as they were but children, and they didn't have too much of an emotional attachment to their charms right off the bat, Izar was quick to find someone willing to take the bait. A hatchling with a bell charm, who was very easily convinced into a trade. From the moment Izar said "Bells are so boring with how many of them are around, you know?" the other poor hatchling was hooked.
Everyone wants to be special, so Izar played into that. He didn't know the type of emotional manipulation he was partaking it, but what he did know if that it ended up with him getting a much more durable charm. And if the other hatchling ended up unhappy with the trade down the line? Well, Izar would just bring up one of the rules even hatchlings could understand; no takesies backsies.
You are safe at home after being delivered by a dutiful crane. Now is the moment your parents bestow your charm to you. Or perhaps you were left at the nursery for adoption. What do your new parents or charmial give you to celebrate your entry into the world?
Submitted By golden-boy
for Charmed
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago