Faye's Choice
Faye stares at the place where the little creature had just been, eyes darting between the apple at her feet, and the limbs of the tree. The words echoed around in her mind, almost as if trying to search for a place to plant the seeds of doubt.
Faye shook her head, erasing thoughts from her head. She would not give in. But...how could she tell if what the smaller one had said was true or not? The "proof" glinted back at her, almost as if to dare the phim. The internal battle that thrashed around inside of Faye did not take very long to settle. She got up, kicked the apple away, the golden fruit hitting the base of the tree with a thunk, and she opened her wings, stretching them high and out. Faye got low to the ground and leapt, soaring into the air and away from temptation.
Submitted By snails
for The Whisper
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Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago