Searching for the Forge...
The sun was so warm. Warm enough to keep the flowers and leaves from paling, warm enough to keep the water from freezing. It was so warm that Fuki did not want to get up. She kept her muzzle hidden between her stubby legs, relaxing in the golden grass as the breeze hit her fur and feathers just the right amount to keep her perfectly content. Perhaps she could hear the harps of the delighted from here, endless chirps and chitters, dance and song. She was content to stay where she was. In the warm sun, warm enough to keep her still.
However, as the little angel stayed resting, she soon could hear something through the rhyme and song. She could hear a whisper. It was soft and quite, but still enough to get her to stir and sit up. There was a group of other little angels, and they spoke of nothing proud.
“A forge on our grounds. A forge built of hearty stone, sweat, and endless work,” they spoke. “Elysiphim that wander there come out wielding a weapon!”
A weapon? Truly it was nothing more than the simple blades or bows one would carry. Fuki's ear twitched in slight dissatisfaction, however a part of her still remained full of curiosity. It was full of quite a lot more ever since the myth of strange trees at the top of Eden…and after seeing them herself she could not fathom being clueless. It itched at her.
Though, such a journey did only make her feel tired. Her restlessness did not outweigh the comfort of her body, the thick slumber in her bones. She couldn’t move even if she wished to.
That was until a chitter came from underneath her wing. A tanuki popped its head out from underneath the feathers, ears poking straight upward from the fluff on its head. It seems even Fuki's thoughts were not safe from such a creature.
“You’re interested in the Forge, Ibuki?” Fuki coos, smiling at the sight of her furry friend. "Alright, alright. I hear you. I guess we can get up now."
The tanuki—called Ibuki—began to wag its tail in response. It grinned widely at the idea, cackling and jumping to its paws to encourage the other’s rise. Fuki had found this tiny creature when it was just a pup. She was in awe from the moment they met eyes and absolutely refused to leave without them. Although without words, Fuki never goes a moment without sparking conversations with Ibuki…except when a glorified nap takes over the day.
Perhaps going on a trip wasn’t such a bad idea. Besides sparring and singing in harmony with fellow phims, there wasn’t much else to entertain such a young angel. Fuki sighs softly, finally standing to her feet before stretching out her long body. Such a large, slick tail and such a small fluffy body did not give much room for her wings, but she always found comfort in her shape the longer she lived with it.
“How does one even find the Forge...?” Fuki hummed quietly. Her brows furrowed as she moved to walk downhill, heading away from the flattened grass she spent hours in. She knows she had heard of such a building before this…but to actually look for it proved to be troublesome.
Caught within the whispers and rumors, Fuki could hear only slim details and vague directions. Did poetry have to be our main way to gossip? Fuki grins her teeth and glares down at her claws. Perhaps it wasn’t completely stupid to be secretive…it wasn’t uncommon for a rumor to spread and turn up chaos in return. Still…
Going off of what she could gather, Fuki and Ibuki had been caught up wandering the very edges of the Elysium in hopes to find anything reminiscent of what they were looking for. Even if they didn’t get details of the building itself, a building made for forging weapons couldn’t be too hard to pinpoint.
And perhaps…a tool of her own would not be so bad. And maybe I can get one for Ibuki too!
Fuki and her tanuki pet Ibuki are woken from their sunbath to hear more rumors of a Forge! Finally, they find themselves looking for the building, hoping to see if such secretive details are more than a rumor.
Submitted By sharkivore
for Finding the Forge | Pt. 1
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago