
Created: 19 June 2024, 19:55:48 EDT
Last updated: 29 August 2024, 13:50:52 EDT



What are hatchlings? Well, they are baby elysiphim, of course! Hatchlings are templates for their adult selves, and can develop into anything!
In order to grow your hatchling, you must complete growth quests! These quests are baby specific, but can be completed by adults in their past. Hatchlings cannot complete any other quests and must be grown before they can be fully embraced into the world of Elysiphim! To turn in your growth quests and recieve a momento box, please complete this prompt!
To adopt a baby please visit the Adoption Centre!

Babies cannot have stats or play card games! Please grow your baby before playing or trying to claim stats!


How do i get one?

A woven egg may be purchased in the MYO shop for 3 charms! Woven eggs are hatchling MYOs you can design!



How do i get charms?

Charms can be earned by donating a baby design to the adoption centre via a baby's bottle MYO found in the MYO shop! You will recieve 2 charms per donated design!
There is also a special quest parents can undertake to get their very own child!


What can i add to my hatchling?

Hatchlings have some very special hatchling traits that can only be used on hatchlings! You are free to add any of these special traits to your hatchling, along with regular elysiphim traits!


how are hatchlings made?

Hatchlings are formed when a parent or parents create a love charm. These charms are woven from important materials and spells. They are handcrafted by the parent elysiphim and cannot be purchased! These are incredibly special items significant to every elysiphim's childhood. Once the charm is made, it is delivered to the hatchery by a special spell. There, a spinner will weave the magic woven into the spell into a woven egg. Once the egg is woven, the charm is sent back to the parents and the egg beginds to develop under the watchful eyes of Seraphel. Once the woven egg hatches, it is gathered up by Seraphel and placed in a blanket. She then creates a crane spell to deliver it to the parents in Eden or the Elysium.

"Do the cranes deliver to Hades?"

Seraphel refuses to send any cranes to Hades. But there is a certain rebellious spinner known as Charmial who will sneak off hatchlings to Hades. She crafts her own crane spells, however, they are not as reliable as Seraphel's cranes, leading some babies to be lost to the unknown. But, she isn't always able to send a crane to Hades, so instead the hatchling is kept in the nursery until it is selected by new parents looking to adopt.

"Are they born with genders?"

Elysiphim are not born with sex or gender! Instead, hatchlings are assigned as genderless and can choose their identity when they are ready.

"What do they do with charms?"

Charms are given to hatchlings upon their arrival home as a first toy. This charm is kept close to them at all times, and are often tied to the hatchling's threads.

"What are threads?"

Threads are the strings of magic from a hatchling's egg. The threads are knitted to the hatchling as it develops. Threads are manifested around the neck of a hatchling, and fall off once they reach adulthood at 18. Threads are a symbol of childhood, and some choose to hang onto that childhood by keeping their threads as a keepsake in momento boxes or even around their necks or wrists. Uncommonly, threads can also manifest on different parts of an elysiphim's body. This usually happens when an egg hatches too early in their development, leaving parts of them in a state of growth.

"What creates an abyssal or cherub hatchling?"

Abyssal elysiphim are thought to be created by elysiphim who have long heard The Voice or from a charm created far away from the influence of the Elysium and The Weaver. Cherubs are created in special cases. While the first cherubs were created by Ekzekiel, they have been folded into society, so a parent can influence the subtype manifesting in the hatchling. But a cherub parent will not guarantee a cherub hatchling!

"What is the mobility of a hatchling?"

Hatchlings are born with a full coat of fur and half their wing feathers. They are able to stand and walk at hatching!

"Do hatchlings have any color restrictions?"

Hatchlings have no color restrictions! You are free to design your hatchling as you please, but keep in mind that hatchling eyes, threads, charms, and no halo are required traits! Hatchlings typically have simple coats that gain more colors in adulthood! Once they reach adulthood you are free to change any of the markings or colors if you are not satisfied with the design or want a different adult design.

"Can I draw my adult character as a hatchling?"

Yes! Be sure to include their threads (not optional) and their charm (optional) when drawing them!

"Can I give my adult character a hatchling trait?"

Yes! In order to do this, complete 3 growth quests to recieve the momento box. Then complete a design update, attaching the momento box and choosing your desired baby trait!

Hatchling must haves

By default, hatchlings have all common traits, and require baby/regular potions to add an uncommon or rare baby trait to your hatchling.
These potions are found in the MYO shop!

- ears
- hatchling eyes (MUST not have a sclera or pupils!)
- no halo
- horns
- tail
- wings
- ichor (or other blood)
- threads
- charm

How to donate baby designs

Head over the the MYO shop and purchase a Baby's Bottle item! Then submit a MYO as normal. If you use a uncommon baby potion or a rare baby potion on your donated design, you will recieve a regular uncommon or rare potion in return! Using a mythic item or legendary potion will give you those items in return as well! Donating one design will net you 2 charms. The design will be transferred off your account once it is approved! You may design 3 babies per month! 5 charms are required to purchase a baby from the adoption centre.

Types of charms

Different types of charms may be combined to create something new!


Wooden | Common

Hand carved wooden charms are quite popular in Eden! These charms typically make for a well mannered elysiphim.

Stone | Common

Stone charms are often engraved with the visages of animals. These charms often make for a sturdy but stubborn elysiphim.


Metallic - common

Metallic charms are popular amongst weaponsmiths and craftsmen. These charms often make for a versitile elysiphim.

Natural | Common

For elysiphim with strong ties to nature or animals, this charm is created from glass and a sample of nature whether flora or fauna. These charms often make for a shy and hardworking elysiphim.


Bell - Common

The sound of a bell charm often fills others with joy! This charm typically makes for a jolly and excitable elysiphim.

Locket - common

These charms are for the sentimental elysiphim. These charms often make for a wise and thoughtful elysiphim.


Cloth | Common

These charms are knitted or sewn with care. These charms often make for a charming and outgoing elysiphim.

Porcelain | Uncommon

Carefully molded and fired, these charms are precious. These charms usually make for a delicate and polite elysiphim.


Potion | Uncommon

A charm made by studious elysiphim. These charms typically make for a scholarly and dedicated elysiphim.

Protective spell | Rare

These charms are created by mages who want to take extra care with their hatchling. These charms often make for freespirited elysiphim.


Baby traits


Hatchling wings

This wings are small and underdeveloped, lacking proper flight feathers. In rare cases, these wings may appear abyssal.


Thread Wings

These wings are created from the same threads as the magic of a hatchling's egg. It is believed that hatchlings with thread wings will reach great academic heights or glory in battle.


Golden Threads

These threads are most typical of a hatchling and represents a strong connection to the tapestry.

Colored threads

These threads are uncommon for a hatchling to have and indicates a unique personality.

Prismatic threads

These threads are quite rare for a hatchling and indicates greatness in the future.


hatchling Paws

These paws have retracted claws. They can either grow out their claws and develop into typical dragon feet, or their claws can fall off and develop into cherub paws!

Hatchling eyes

Hatchlings have dark eyes with half an indication of their true eyecolor. These eyes are required for all hatchlings! These eyes do not have a sclera or pupil!

Baby Sheen

Hatchlings are often coated with a magical shimmer when they hatch, and some carry that sheen throughout their childhood.


Budding horns

These horns have to possibility to grow into any shape, or simply fall off once they reach adulthood.

Blooming Horns

These horns are special horns that grow ethereal flowers and indicates the true shape of the horns. These horns are typical of those that have floral growth in adulthood.

Thread horns

These horns are created from the same threads as the magic of a hatchling's egg. They indicate the true shape of the horns.


hatchling tail

This tail will usually take on the form of their tail once the hatchling reaches adulthood.

Thread tail

These tails are created from the same threads as the magic of a hatchling's egg. It is believed that these hatchlings will develop into well balanced individuals.