Submission (#941) Approved

10 September 2024, 00:17:06 EDT (1 week ago)
15 September 2024, 14:22:45 EDT (4 days ago) by howlheim


Contacts: Ozzimodi
Moodboard/aesthetics: Moodboard will be sent in discord!! But overall she'll be white with a pattern i'll send a image on discord since most of what i want is image based!
- Mule ears(common)
- Dark Sclera(uncommon)+ light pupils(common)
- Sky twister halo(uncommon)
- Prong horns(common)
- Sweeper tail(uncommon)
- Back wings(common) + double wings(uncommon) + missing 1st left wing
- Ichor blood(common)
- Fetlocks(uncommon)
- Filigree(rare)

- The filigree will be primarily on her wings/legs and tail with golden spots dotting her back and hindquarters
- She's fairly skinny + lanky in the legs(Stands at 7ft tall, think of a Silken Windhound body build and fur type)
- Can she have a Silver ring clipped onto her right horn?(She is married and that is her marital status)
- She does have a roman nose!
- Expression(i'll explain more on discord!)
- Much like Ophelia(a phim i own) She has a mane of fur around her neck but the fluff pattern goes up instead of down


Reward Amount


Skill Amount
No skills were rewarded.

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No user rewards.
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No character rewards.

Bonus Rewards

User Rewards
No bonus user EXP
No bonus user points
Character Rewards
No bonus character EXP
No bonus character points



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Common Custom Token Common Custom Token Purchased from Galaxy Cafe by SinningKarma for 7 Galaxy Galao. Purchased 7 September 2024, 20:21:50 EDT 1
Rare Potion Rare Potion Purchased from MYO Shop by SinningKarma for 25 Riyal. Purchased 7 September 2024, 21:18:10 EDT 1
Uncommon Potion Uncommon Potion Purchased from MYO Shop by SinningKarma for 10 Riyal. Purchased 7 September 2024, 21:18:31 EDT 4
Uncommon Potion Uncommon Potion Purchased from MYO Shop by SinningKarma for 10 Riyal. Purchased 7 September 2024, 21:26:33 EDT 1

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