
<a href=" Baby Potion" class="display-item">Uncommon Baby Potion</a>

Uncommon Baby Potion

Category: Baby MYO Items

Artist: howlheim

Resale Value: 8 Riyal

This potion will apply ONE uncommon trait to a baby character.


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<a href=" Baby Potion" class="display-item">Rare Baby Potion</a>

Rare Baby Potion

Category: Baby MYO Items

Resale Value: 17 Riyal

This potion will apply ONE rare trait to a baby character.


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<a href=" Box" class="display-item">Momento Box</a>

Momento Box

Category: Baby MYO Items

Artist: howlheim

Allows you to grow your baby, and optionally keep one baby trait into adulthood.

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