Luck of Icarus
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Flight and Fall -
Draw 2 cards. Keep 1 and give 1 to the enemy."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 5
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d10
Damage type: magic
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Pale Shining Star
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Accord -
This card adds a d4 to your next attack roll if it is a magic type damage card."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 5
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d4
Damage type: magic
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Poison Bolt
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Poison -
After the initial turn, the enemy takes a d4 damage roll for every turn this card is active. Your attack must land for the effect to apply."
Turns lasted: 3
Mana cost: 5
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d6
Damage type: caustic
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Ruinous Ichor
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Blasphemy -
This explosive concotion of ichor and pitch deals double damage."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 10
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d12
Damage type: holy and abyssal
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Shield of Ekzekiel
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Celestial Shield -
The enemy's attack damage is halved."
Turns lasted: 3
Mana cost: 18
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d20
Damage type: strike
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Simple Torch
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Shine -
All abyssal damage type cards roll at disadvantage."
Turns lasted: 2
Mana cost: 1
Piercing dice: 2d8
Damage dice: d8
Damage type: fire
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Sly Merchant
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Trade -
Trade one card for a new one from your deck."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost:5
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d10
Damage type: slash
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Standard Bow
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Shoot -
This card simply attacks."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 0
Piercing dice: 2d8
Damage dice: d8
Damage type: pierce
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Steeple of Ekzekiel
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Radiant Lance -
Steeple of Ekzekiel does double damage to a fallen opponent."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 20
Piercing dice: 3d8
Damage dice: 4d8
Damage type: holy
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Tawdry Quarterstaff
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Spark -
This card simply attacks."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 1
Piercing dice: 2d8
Damage dice: d10
Damage type: magic
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
The Pale Lady
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Prophecy -
Add a magic damage type card of your choice to your hand from your deck."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 5
Piercing dice: d20
Damage dice: d4
Damage type: magic
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Worker's Hammer
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Strike -
This card simply attacks"
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 0
Piercing dice: 2d8
Damage dice: d8
Damage type: strike
Starter Deck, Prompts
Use as Emote Show
Worn Dagger
This item is now considered a simple collectible!
"Stab -
This card simply attacks."
Turns lasted: 1
Mana cost: 0
Piercing dice: 2d8
Damage dice: d6
Damage type: slash
Starter Deck, Prompts