
Golden Threads

Golden Threads (Common)

Category: Threads
Species: Elysiphim🪽 (Hatchling subtype)

Your character's threads are the typical gold color.

Free to apply to any elysiphim!

Shop: MYO Shop

Colored Threads

Colored Threads (Uncommon)

Category: Threads
Species: Elysiphim🪽 (Hatchling subtype)

Your character's threads a solid color of your choice.

Source: Uncommon Potion, Uncommon Baby Potion

Shop: MYO Shop

Prismatic Threads

Prismatic Threads (Rare)

Category: Threads
Species: Elysiphim🪽 (Hatchling subtype)

Your character's threads a shiny rainbow of colors, how special!

Source: Rare Potion, Rare Baby Potion

Shop: MYO Shop

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