Simple Welle Particles (Common)
Category: Welles
Species: Eskahest🐎
Adds simple particles such as sparkles or dots around the welle.
Free to apply to any eskahest!
Shop: MYO Shop
Colored Welle (Uncommon)
Category: Welles
Species: Eskahest🐎
A welle with a colorful center instead of black/dark. Cannot be light/pastel in color.
Source: Uncommon Potion
Shop: MYO Shop
Complex Welle Particles (Rare)
Category: Welles
Species: Eskahest🐎
A welle with particles in complex geometric shapes such as clouds, hearts, starts, etc.
Source: Rare Potion
Shop: MYO Shop
Animal Welle (Legendary)
Category: Welles
Species: Eskahest🐎
A welle with an animal shape. These welles are known to have possible personalities to them, and may act independently from their hest.
Source: Legendary Potion
Shop: MYO Shop
11 results found.